You certainly can throw axes while drunk. Intoxicated axe throwing is a great way to get rid of un-wanted digits and give your friends some cool scars to show off. Hopefully, your sarcasm detector is working correctly and you understand that we DO NOT recommend that you throw axes under the influence of anything, EVER!
Sharp stuff + booze = a bad time
Fortunately, there are a bunch of safe(ish) activities that can be done while having a few drinks. Axe throwing is the most fun when your mind is as sharp as your axe.
Why You Should NOT Throw an Axe While Drunk
I mean, this should be pretty obvious, but here we go anyway. Throwing an axe while drunk is extremely dangerous for several reasons:
Alcohol affects your ability to think clearly and coordinate your movements, increasing the likelihood of "axe-idents."
Alcohol impairs your motor skills, making it difficult to control the axe's trajectory, increasing the risk of injury to yourself and your friends.
Alcohol slows down your reaction time, making it harder to react quickly if something goes wrong during the axe throw.
Axe throwing requires precision and control. Being drunk increases the risk of missing the target and hitting unintended objects or people, causing serious injury or even death. Mastering precision and control is one of the things that make axe throwing fun. So, don't ruin that.
Not only should you not throw axes while drunk, do not do anything with sharp instruments while drunk.
Fun Party Games Already Exist
Why throw axes while intoxicated when there are a bunch of safe party games to play? There is no correct answer to that question.
Safe party games to play while drinking include those that don't involve physical danger or impaired judgment:
Games like Kings Cup, Ring of Fire, or Poker can be fun and engaging without posing physical risks.
Trivia games can be enjoyable and stimulating, testing your knowledge on various topics. And you won't get hurt!
Board Games like Scrabble or, Monopoly can be entertaining and strategic, even while sipping a fuzzy navel.
Word Games like Charades or Pictionary can be hilarious after a few and don't require physical activity.
Video games that are easy to pick up and play like Mario Kart can be enjoyable with drinks, I mean friends.
Always ensure that everyone is comfortable with the game and that it doesn't encourage excessive drinking or risky behavior. It's also important to drink responsibly and know your limits. And stay within them!

Why is Axe Throwing Fun, Sober?
You need to be sober to master the axe. Mastering precision and control in axe throwing can be fun and rewarding on several levels, touching on various aspects of human psychology:
Successfully hitting a target with precision can trigger a sense of achievement . This mastery will boost self-esteem and confidence.
Sober axe throwing requires practice and skill development, which can be mentally rewarding. Overcoming challenges and improving one's technique can be satisfying.
Axe throwing requires sober focus and concentration. You need to align your body and aim accurately. This focus can be immersive and meditative, providing a break from everyday stressors.
Coordinating the sober movement of your body and the axe requires physical skills as well as mental skills This is mentally engaging and enjoyable to develop.
Axe throwing can be a social activity, involving friendly competition and camaraderie. This social aspect can enhance the enjoyment and sense of belonging. Nobody likes a drunk fool ruining their good time.
Axe throwing taps into a primal skill set, connecting us with our ancestral roots and providing a sense of connection with nature and history. You need to be sober to enjoy this.
Mastering precision and control in axe throwing can be fun because it combines physical activity, mental engagement, social interaction, and a sense of accomplishment, appealing to various aspects of human psychology. If you are in Vancouver looking for a fun time throwing axes, hit us up!
Do Not Throw Axes While Drunk
Throwing an axe while drunk is a dangerous activity that can lead to serious injury or even death. Engaging in drunk party games that are safe provides a fun alternative that doesn't pose risks to yourself or others. Additionally, sober axe throwing allows for better control, precision, and enjoyment of the activity. This provides a safer and more fulfilling experience. It's important to prioritize safety and responsible behavior to avoid accidents and negative consequences.